
Literature of Budi Darma

  BUDI DARMA  LITERATURE   According to Budi Darma, literature has 3 genres, Tragedy, Comedy, and Novel (  Slice of Life).  Tragedy contains a higher life than every human world which includes humans who are great, noble, or high degrees, comedy contains a lower life than every humans world which include humans who are lowly, disabled, or half-animals , and novel contains ordinary human life and ordinary daily life (slice of life)  .  One of his ideas is "The World of Somersault" which is like overturning the concept of philosophy (rationalism and empiricism) and this idea is usually expressed in several of his works .  In an essay  he wrote in '68  "Is Literature World Upturned" , literature is a world of possibilities that is open  with words that contain many possible meanings (polysemic), interpretations that can change according to subjective moods and thoughts, and describe things that do not yet exist.  And if explored again, the overturning can be relate

Tugas Membuat Contoh PKM ( PKM-M )

PROPOSAL PROGRAM KREATIVITAS MAHASISWA INOVASI MEDIA PENTUL : PULPEN TUTUL SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PEMBUATAN BATIK CIPRAT PADA ANAK TUNAGRAHITA DI SLB DHARMA WANITA KEBONSARI MADIUN BIDANG KEGIATAN: PKM PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT Diusulkan oleh: Ahmad Abdilah Muthik W. E. R.        19010044011 Muhammad Zainal Mbachtiar                         19010044022 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SURABAYA SURABAYA 20 20 HALAMAN PENGESAHAN USULAN PKM M 1.      Judul Kegiatan                                           : P elatihan P embuatan B atik C iprat b agi A nak T unagrahita di S ekolah SLB Dharma Wanita Kebonsari Madiun 2.      Bidang Kegiatan                                        : PKM- M 3.      Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan                                     a.      Nama Lengkap                                      : Ahmad Abdilah Muthik W. E. R. b.      NIM